I grew up in Cincy and didn't know this; what a loss! I did, however, eat at that Old Spaghetti Factory many times, and probably under the glow of those stained glass windows... Enjoying your posts thus far!
When I saw the library’s Brutalist replacement I wanted to cry! No shade to Brutalism…it has its place. Just not on top of the ruins of such historic architecture. Thanks for sharing this story & these gorgeous images
I grew up in Cincy and didn't know this; what a loss! I did, however, eat at that Old Spaghetti Factory many times, and probably under the glow of those stained glass windows... Enjoying your posts thus far!
Omg a primary source for Old Spaghetti Factory lore!! Welcome - I’m glad you’re enjoying!! 🥰🥰
When I saw the library’s Brutalist replacement I wanted to cry! No shade to Brutalism…it has its place. Just not on top of the ruins of such historic architecture. Thanks for sharing this story & these gorgeous images
I completely agree. Thank you for reading and for the kind words!
Wow. 😭 Great Architecture ruined.
I know 😭😭😭